High quality dental care

In a modern and relaxing environment

Call us today on 01908 696 131

About us

Specialist dental surgeon Mr Shahzad Naseem (known to all as ‘Shaz’) believes helping patients feel good about themselves and their appearance is just as important as caring for their teeth. Dental Works, which was created in May 2005, is his personal vision of a place where patients can receive the latest dental and cosmetic treatments in relaxed, comfortable surroundings, a place where even nervous patients can overcome their fears and feel at ease.

But it’s not just Shaz that believes this approach is good for patients. Shaz is supported in his vision by an expert team of general and specialist dentists and an oral and facial plastic surgeon, all of who are committed to offering the highest standards of dental and cosmetic treatments to their patients. Why not find out more about the Dental Works team?

The BDA’s Good Practice Scheme is a practical tool to help practices comply with currently accepted standards of good practice. The following ten-point commitment is at the heart of the Good Practice Scheme: