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Sedation / Sleep Dentistry

For many years anxious, nervous or previously traumatised patients would stay away from dentists until it was too late and only the most severe problems and pain could force them into visiting. To combat this, Dental Works has focused on developing its sleep dentistry services to help put nervous patients at ease and make trips to the dentists a more pleasant experience.


Sedation is a safe, precise, and highly effective technique for management of moderate to more severe levels of dental fear and can be used for patients who are not physically or behaviourally able to cooperate during dental procedures.

At Dental Works our practitioners are fully qualified to administer sedative dugs to help you relax. You remain quite drowsy for the entire procedure, often unaware of the treatment going on, but able to respond to the dentist when necessary. Following a short sleep, you’ll be back to normal and most patients report not remembering anything about the treatment. There are no general anaesthetics involved, so it is very safe, and nervous/anxious patients can have treatments they would not otherwise consider.